Friday 19 August 2016


You all must have heard about the automatic tinting in spectacle glasses. This technology grew quite popular as it helped the glass wearers to minimize the damage caused to eyes due to bright sunlight as these glasses automatically darken on exposure to sunlight and return back to normal in dark conditions.

Wouldn't it be great if windows in our houses are also self-shading just ike these glasses. Well , the team of MIT engineers are working on the same project .

These researchers have created a glass infused with a ELECTROCHROMIC material which automatically  undergoes change in the color when to electricity.
This glass can  change from transparent to almost black instantly in response to the electricity .

The material responsible for the color change is a sponge-like metal-organic framework (MOF) that is capable or conducting both electrons and ions at high speeds. When electricity is applied to the window, the window’s changes causing the MOF to react and change color. Once in its black state, the electricity can be turned off, and the window can remain darkened without any further input or manipulation.

Before this also the attempts have been made to create this type of glass but according to the MIT engineers its the most efficient till now as it depends upon just the electricity input and switching is fast.
Till now this idea is just published in the chemistry generals .


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